Taking Cultural Produsction Into Our Own Hands is an awesome, inspiring zine. It was produced to coincide with the workshop (see post below) at London Zine Symposium.
It features a whole host of things, like:
Booking and Organising spoken-word tours, Curating Art Shows, Making Comics, Making poster artwork for gigs and events, Making your own animations, Making your own [documentary] films, Making Zines, Opening your own independent Gallery Space, Organising a Zine Fest, Organising Comedy Nights, Putting on Gigs, Putting on your own club night, Running a Magazine, Running a Zine Distro, Running your own record label, Recording Albums, Opening up your own Vegan Cafe, Screen printing, Setting up a Zine Library, Starting your own publishing house, Starting your own band, Starting your own theatre company, Writing and performing poetry, Writing and Publishing your own Book, Opening your own Shop, Opening your own Comic Shop.
After reading it, I wanted to go out and produce everything! The ever rad Melanie Maddison contacted me to feature in it, where I attempt to give business advice, but I'm no Patrick Bateman! What this zine does, aside form inspiring, it's provide a good basis for networking, giving a whole host of contacts.so buy it now, from here.