Thursday, 28 October 2010
The Good, The Bad, The Ugly and how My Chemical Romance Saved my life a week too early!
Let's work in reverse order.....
The ugly:
CONSUMERS!!!! Seriously how people consume has made me re think life!
Currently I am reading a book recommended by my great friend Leesey, where it is mostly set within a shopping centre (that of The Trafford Centre variety as opposed to Manchester Arndale) but still it's scarily close to home.
i don't understand what it is about buying a bit of cheap fancy dress that turns 90% of the Brie public into rude, ignorant, messy and downright ugly people, I just don't get it!!
Why can't everyone just dress like this:
The Bad:
The fact that I used to love Halloween and now I kinda hate it!! THIS SUCKS!!!!!! I did I loved it, it was definitely one of my favourite holidays. I love dressing up, last year I tried to make a great effort with my 3D woman but my tiredness meant it wasn't what it should have been, I'm hoping this years effort will be one to rival the year before when I dressed as a Tara McPherson painting!
Treat yer sen to a viewing of my favourite folk who think everyday is Halloween:
The good:
Getting my life saved! Sadly it would have been more welcome the Sunday after Halloween week, but you can't win em all!!
Yes MCR saved my life!
I last saw My Chemical Romance in 2005, so I was stoked to see them again, after a temporary glitch where I couldn't get tickets, but luckily knopw people who know people, we got them!!
I will keep this brief as I don't want to bore you, but I HEART MCR!!!!
They played a rate good set, stuff from all three albums and only four new songs, win win! I love the fact that Gerard Way only just got the 9t6 memo 'Colours are coming back, colours are dangerous....' love the fact he discovered not only black suits him!! Not sure about the 'art is coming back' statement, did it go anywhere?
Love the new look, it's proper 90s and ray guns thrown in! I think perhaps they had a trip to a planetarium before making the new album, and went to a euro 90s gay disco on the way home, because that's what the new songs sound like, they found the synth key and they are not afraid to use it.
My favourite part is the gang mentality, not the CH5 program, Danny dyer on cable type gang, but I got a flick knife and a close fitting leather kind. I wanna be in a badass girl gang.
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Monday, 18 October 2010
Knit And Destroy Goes To The Movies.....

Showcasing a brand new collection of knits inspired by classic miovie making in Manchester's Purl Gallery (above Purl City Yarns).
This is giong to be totally radular and you will be a big lo-oh-ser to miss it!!!
Preview is Friday October 22nd 6pm-9pm.
Exhibtion continues until 28th November.
Opening time: Tuesday-Saturday 10am-6pm
Sunday 11am-3pm.
Purl City Yarns, 62 Port Street Manchester.
PS:crack out those 3D glasses to wow at the awesome poster above by Benjamin Cooney .
Friday, 15 October 2010
The stuff inspiring Sugar Paper #6.....

(As much as I am often inspired by 90s dance hits, this last video is more an inspiration of keeping warm!)
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Peaches Christ saved my life at Midnight Mass!
I arrived at the Cornerhouse to be greeted by Melanie and Kandy an d group of angry librarians! YES!!!
Librarians protesting against the filth that was about to be screened, protesting against Peaches Christ!
The folk passing by (families of Rugby fans getting the train, teenagers, clueless students) didn't know what to make of it, neither did the Police apparently, when two appeared by foot and later the dog unit van!!!
I suddenly began to shake of my grump and get excited.
We eventually entered the cinema, to the dismay of the librarians and upon entering were greeted by horned musicians playing the saw and the theremin, outer-this-world!
We took to our seats and I was a bit upset that I hadn't made much of effort as some folk were dressed to the gore nines (see earlier grump to explain this).
The seats filled, the lights went down, then the show really began!
It doesn't take much to please me, People in usher outfits, girls dressed as usherette twins handing out dixie cups, librarians shouting abuse, all this pleased me, but not as much as the entrance of PEACHES CHRIST!!
She took to the stage, followed by a gang of dancing monsters, the biggest hair I have ever seen, welcoming us all to Midnight mass in the form of song, swoon!!
What followed next was an outfit contest (if I had known there were prizes I might have tried a little harder!) a bit of banter and another protest! Peaches told us all how underneath Librarians are the filthiest, sexiest of all, all it takes is the right music, cue the sleaze tunes and cue the stripping, lap dancing book lovers!!!!
Another musical number and the film began....
So I don't want to ruin the film for those who haven't seen it yet, but I loved All About Evil. From the awesome opening credits, to the final scene (one of the best scenes in cinema history FACT!!). It has everything a film should have, you can't go wrong when it stars Natasha Lyone, Mink Stole and ELVIRA!!!
I always loved Natasha Lyone, but now I REALLY love her, she was amazing.
My favourite bits were; Just Natasha Lyone, gore craft (stitching and knitting as you've never seen it!!) Cassandra Peterson referring to Elvira as if it isn't her (lolfest!)and Twins stabbing each other TO DEATH!!
After the film, we had a mini task obtaining money to buy merch (damn you students queuing at EVERY cash machine) then we cursed ourselves for not taking a camera so we cold have photographic evidence next to the fabulous Peaches (we would have just looked dull in comparison anyways!!) and we left. Not after hearing the best part of the evening.... someone puked down the aisle GORExCORE!!!