And this just makes it even more exciting that Katy from the Vivian girls has an interview in here too cos we heart Vivian Girls. Not that this wasn't all great, cos it was, but i'm one of those optimistic types, next time...BUST magazine! K x
Thursday, 30 July 2009
Sugar Paper just got Cooler!
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
this prompted 3 thoughts.
2-That I once wrote a piece for Nickie entitled I hate The Ipod Generation, They're Killing Teen TV, which had the opening line of;
Before I start I’m going to admit that this rant could just all be pinned to the fact that I’m getting older and refuse to acknowledge that fact. But I’m gonna spew anyway.
This then saw me rattle on about Skins and all the TV I loved as a teen and how I'm not a teen but still clinging on. Which then got me thinking about my recent obsession with the Twilight saga, teen books and films about Vampire love. I am supposedly too old to be obsessing over such a thing, and also to un-Mormon to love it so much. This, then coupled with my disappointment with how the last two books were turning out, has led me to believe that writing my own fourth book for the series (a 'zine one might say) with the title of Breaking Down, would seem a little sad, and pathetic, I should be out doing adult stuff like looking for a job, leaving home, but I'm not, therefore I am going to make the zine. I have the mentality of a 15 yr old.
And lastly,
3-the last time I played Twister, long ago before I was actually 15, I pissed myself laughing on the mat, I went upstairs hoping no one had noticed, when indeed my whole family had laughed at the puddle of wee on the plastic mat. At the time I was embarrassed, but now thinking that only last year, at the age of 23 almost 24, I pissed myself whilst simultaneously vomiting, it seems like nothing.
I will keep you updated on Breaking Down.
We have something to get off our chest.....

YES! Kandy and I will be at the Bust Craftacular, on Saturday 22nd August.
Kandy with her Knit And Destroy wares, me with Sugar Paper stuffs and some other bits I will be making (well if I manage to stop my life being taken over by the Twilight Saga and pull my finger out).
So see you there!
Friday, 24 July 2009
Wish I'd Gone To Comic Con

And so I will continue sitting here, deciding whether to get down to some much needed sewing, or just start Reading Eclipse.
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Craft idol #2

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Tuesday, 14 July 2009
Candy floss!

For more info including a list of all the vendors go to their website:
Sunday, 12 July 2009
I made it into the record books*

I did have fun though, there's something very entertaining about smearing blood on your face and shuffling around groaning.
It's also pretty fun watching bystanders, laugh, grimace and shake their head. Especially as a pile of zombies smear their bloody hands and faces along the window of Pizza Hut as people stuff their faces with cold stuffed crust pizza.
It wasn't so much fun when a scally family (who's daughter looked like she had smeared nutella on her face thus looking like a shit attempt at a black and white minstrel) started throwing eggs, egg on my leg, suck.
But all was not lost and we didn't feel too defeated as groaning real loud from the car until passers by stop and laugh is actually really fun, cruising as a zombie could be my new favourite hobby.
I'm off to clip pegs to my face or something equally as ludicrous now so I can break a record!
* well I tried to!
Saturday, 11 July 2009
New skillz...
When my Mum first asked me to go and do basket weaving with her and my sister in Grindleford I wasn't sure. I soon came to my senses and realised any new crafting skillz is a good thing! We had a fun day of it, the lady who took us was ace, she has already woven her own coffin, she said "it's a bit lopsided though so they'll have to put my shoulders in at a bit of an angle, but it doesn't matter cos I'll be dead" she was awesome!
Here is the day of basket weaving in pictures...
Family - excited about the day of craft ahead!
Half way to being a basket!
Concentration! This bit was well tricky!
Mum, pleased with herself and her basketry skillz
Nearly there now!
The finished basket, hooray!!!!
Friday, 3 July 2009
down to London to attend the Hogwarts Jamboree, which I think Kandy has covered down there. Crafting and two ciders and I'm a wrock band heckler, I learnt I'm the only one that whoops at the word muggle and that Holly should have a Cullen fest! Nick n Paul have a kitten, too much cute.
London 8.30am, sunny, trip to Brighton.
too hot, dressed for early spring weather, I sweat on the beach eating fish and chips. We go to the Lego shop where we make custom Lego folk. I wanted to make me but a) there's no brown faces, as Lego is all yellow b) there aren't many lady faces. I make a Patrick Bateman that I leave there and make myself s boyfriend, complete with K records record bag (technically a brown suitcase).
Stuck on the M25 like a dog in a hot car, LEXI plural of Lexus.
It's a heatwave and I manage to go to the Chestnut centre for the second time and it's raining, like before, despite visiting in August last time, woe is me. otters and owls, otters, phone call for a casting call to be in the new fifa 2009 ad with Wayne Rooney, I am sadly still in Chesterfield when this occurs, balls!!!!!!!!!!!!otters and deer!
Sheffield, have to stand on the street of the Leadmill where I infamously got barred back in like '04 or something.
ChapsXcore + FinallyPunkXcore= happyXcore.
wading in Chatsworth lake, having a picnic. Last minute visit to the Actors Donkey Sanctuary. the owner is a dick. don't go there.
Cake making.
Rejection for job for my favourite Manchester Museums, will I ever be able to visit again?!?!?
And what indeed did I make and do, myself nicely tanned!
I also got my haircut, I now look like Gene Defcon circa 2000 there's a LINK here somewhere:
Hogwarts Jamboree
This little 'Luna Lovegood' (sporting a home-made 'buterbeer cork' necklace) got hooked on the pompoms and made herself two! The second one is in progress on the floor there. Unfortunately we haven't got any pics of the felt owls, but they were amazing too. Thanks to Holly Horcrux for putting on the event and inviting us down. x