You will need:
8oz/225g cater sugar
8oz/225g margarine
6oz/175g self raising flour
2oz/50g cocoa
4 medium eggs
Ready roll icing (red, or if white red food colouring also needed)
Strawberry laces
For butter cream:
2oz/50g butter/margarine
4oz/100g icing sugar
Vanilla essence
3x 10” round baking tins
Knitting needles
Make cake as for Victoria sponge* (the 2oz/50g of cocoa substitutes for 2oz/50g of flour)
Split the cake into the three tins and bake. Cut out four circles from the cake. Make some butter cream, adding 2tsp of cocoa, mix until smooth and creamy.
Place one of the smallest circles onto a plate/cake board, spread a layer of butter cream on top of it. Place one of the medium circles on top, spread on another layer of butter cream. Place the biggest circle on next. Cover with a layer of butter cream. Then the other medium circle, with another layer of butter cream on top. Then top off with the remaining small circle. Next, spread the remainder of the butter cream on the top and round the edges of the cake. This will act as a sticky base for the icing (instead of melted jam or marzipan as the icing pack suggests).
If you bought white ready roll icing, mix in some red food colouring, by adding a few drops and rolling in the palm of your hand. Knead the icing and roll out on a flat, floured surface. Roll until it’s big enough to cover the cake. Carefully place the icing over the cake. Smooth out and trim edges.
Get a small bowl of warm water. Run a strawberry lace through the water, then wrap around the cake (starting an inch from the top). Continue this until the laces are wrapped around the entire cake. Next lay some laces over the top of the cake, covering the gap (around 20 laces).
Almost done! Stick two knitting needles into the top of the cake and there you have it, choc-ball-o-wool!
*Recipe found in Sugar Paper #1.
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