The illustrations themselves were a joy to look at, but the gallery had made the celebration of the 65th anniversary of Moomins more of a family affair with interactive pieces, a colour in and comments section, one of those things where you put your face through the hole, so you could be Moominmama Moominpapa or whoever (I took my camera but not my flash, so the photographic evidence didn't turn out, boo).
Our favourite piece was the Moomin valley! An amazing starlight backdrop, fake trees, a little boat and little wooden huts, magical! we sat in (squashed ourselves in whilst children watched) and read Moomin books.

A place that is pretty amazing looking is Portmeirion.....

I think we'll look just like that Moomin picture at the top!
You totally need to go to the Moomin theme park in Finland! http://www.flickr.com/photos/dansette/sets/72157622969218301/
OH MY GOD I do. right that's where I'll be next years birthday!
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