WE have been a band for about a year and a half, but too scared to play a gig, so to get over this fear we thought, why play one gig, when we can play 6 in a row!!!
The best thing to do is call up yr besties and go on tour with their bands.
We are the Weirdos Mister Tour was born!!

What do you get when you take a slime pop band from Manchester, a Buffy concept punk band from London and a doom pop band from Brighton?!?!? THE BEST WEEK EVER!!!
Monday 17th...
2/3s of Yiikes! got a train to Leeds laden with instruments and merch and free Lucozade to meet up with the third third and our awesome driver and bringer of zine distro, Kathleen.
we then hot footed it down to London for our FIRST EVER GIG!!
LONDON Birds Nest.
We got to London just in time before the sat nav died and had a right good scran at Nick and Zaks before walking to the venue, which was a pub.
On the way down Kathleen told us how Eddie Stobart trucks all have names given t them, so we took it upon ourselves to become Eddie Stobart truck spotter for the week!
We were super nervous and Alison and I decided our pre show ritual would be having a shot of rum, so with 57% alcohol in our body we hot the stage!
Being a pub the venue filled up pretty well and full of friendly faces (even mates from the north, Hiya Big Ledge!)
Then we played a gig! There was banter and everything! I have learnt throughout the week that my banter is pretty much just how I am in real life, northern ('enjoyed the tour but glad to be going back north to have gravy on my chips'-Brighton) aggressive (FUCK OFF *middle finger*) and full of pop culture references ('We're like Destiny's Child on acid'). Yay we did it!
Then we got to dance to Joyless Fucking and The Potentials both my new favourite bands.
We had guest band Big Joanie top the bill, which I was pleased about as I have wanted to see them for a while.
A rush at the merch table (we had nearly more merch than we had songs, fuck the music!) and a walk home and the first gig was done!
tour pet count:2 fish tanks

Tuesday 18th....
Hitting the road again, this time with Dave and his van in tow too, after a sausage breakfast. Rad punx on the road, heading back to LEEDS to the best place ever, Wharf Chambers.
We hit the north and it started pissing it down, yay and got to Wharf Chambers in time for some tour pilates led by Shahnaz and some tasty scran courtesy of Leeds finest Amy and Mel (who were putting on the gig too!)
Sadly Rare Junk had to pull out so it was just three bands.
some how this gig felt more daunting than the London one. I'm not sure if it was because the venue was bigger, the stage was higher and I knew less people but the nerves kicked in. Felt more relaxed after a shot mind.
Leeds also marked the night of the first '2nd time around Cibo Matto The Potentials stage invasion' which is one of my highlights of tour.
Once the gig was done we loaded up in the rain and headed to Kathleen's huge house to crash.
Lazy morning with a sausage and pain au chocolat breakfast as we only had a short drive to Manchester.
Popped to Footprints as Kathleen wanted to trim some zines, ate some blackberries on the way back, soaked up the sun in Leeds before heading across the Pennines....
tour pet count: 1 dog 2 cats

Wednesday 19th....
to MANCHESTER, or 'homecoming' gig! We headed to my house as it's near the motorway for a brew, some gaming and a refresh before we got to the Retro bar (the place of my misspent youth) only to realise they didn't have a guitar amp or a bunch of drum bits MINI STRESS, saved by Dave and his bass amp (I her two bass amps are the future) and Todd with his drum loan!
Tried to forget the fact this place has shit communication skills and an odd sound guy by heading to V Rev for some burgers and shakes!
We didn't want to headline any gig this tour, so settled for second to last, Joyless Fucking went first and we had support by local legend Joyce D'Vision.
Joyce was amazing, they got a phone call from their sister mid set, which was the funniest thing ever ( and totally not a set up those that were there) and started a conga, so much fun I dunno how we were gonna top that.
I was super nervous about playing the place where we would know most of the people, but I think I actually had the most fun in Manchester!
The Potentials played their Buffy's birthday song for the first time for Kandy.
Ushered out quick post gig with some shit ska rock music being blasted, half back to mine and half back to Alison's.
Conquered our first gig, conquered our 'hometown' gig, could totally conquer the world now!
tour pet count: 3 cats (2 of which are mine, 1 Alison's)

Thursday 20th....
Kandy's birthday!!! had a sausage breakfast, a slow morning, gift giving, picnic food making and tour pilates. Then we were off to DURHAM, to play Empty Shop.
I was super excited as the farthest north east I had been is Whitby. Kathleen found us a place to stop for a picnic called Snape (tour was full of Harry Potter fans).
Snape turned out to be a tiny village that I don't think was ready for us to picnic in it, but down the road was an attraction to expensive to get into so we picnicked in the car park!
We got to Durham and made it to Chicken Cottage where we were greeted with brews and a tasty chilli for tea (thanks Stef) before playing a gig pretty much next door to my favourite sop, Wilkos!
The ace Skull Puppies played first as I tried not to melt in the corner (I have never sweated so much in my life as I have on this tour) and even without a stage we still managed the Potentials Cibo Matto stage invasion! Then a pack up post gig mini disco!
We got up early to have a breakfast of beans and potato waffles so we could have a look arund Durham.
Durham is beautiful and it has Cooplands bakers. Naomi is the best tor guide ever, I learnt loads about Durham and we went to the cathedral which was ace, then I had proper chips, cooked in beef dripping and bought a troll from a vending machine for 20p!
Everyone was super friendly, I guess that's the north for you! SWOON!
tour pet count: 2 cats, 2 rabbits, 2 rats and 1 gorgeous dog.

Friday 21st....
Left Durham midday to make our way to LIVERPOOL, 81 Renshaw st (via Manchester as I left Zaks base drum pedal there, oops). Leaving behind the sun for some rain.
The venue was next door but 1 to the pizza place venue Maguires so we all got excited ordering pizza by the slice!
The rain was coming down hard, so thanks to everyone that came and thanks to Stef and Morgan for putting us on (and Stef for the awesome poster).
We played second and as we were setting up some one (Steve, thanks mate) had put on a playlist with Lisa Loeb's Stay on (Stay being probably my favourite song ever and most definitly my number 1 karaoke song!) best ever.
Local band Puzzle followed us, who were dead good and a proper band. The potentials pissed off some Buffy fans, YES! No Stage invasion tonight but all the fun had.
decided to break up the drive to Brighton by driving to Chesterfield to stay at Kandy's.
Tour pet count:0

Saturday 22nd....
An early rise and a morning of crumpets and cinnamon whirls before hitting the road to the sunny seaside south!
Finishing the tour off playing BRIGHTON, The Marlborough.
our early rise wasn't super early enough to miss traffic, so the journey took a looooong time, but we arrived safely and that is the main thing.
We didn't have time to hit the beach but did have time for some chips.
The Marlborugh is an old haunted AF theatre (it's haunted cuz the bass amp kept going crazy, ghosts for sure!) but we had a green room and everything with apples and beer in it!
Joyless Fucking played first as 2/3s (Lise and Nick) were headlining in their other band Daskinsey 4.
We played second and we didn't have our rum shot, but we didn't need it, I sweated loads and enjoyed playing on a tiny theatre stage!
We were followed by the awesome be-caped Men Oh Pause, who I loved. Then I got to dance like it was 9t6 for the last time The Potentials, complete with a final stage invasion ;(
The night was topped off with DK4, who were great and I managed a dance despite nearly passing out from the heat!
We bypassed some dancing to sit on the beach (where I dipped my toes in cuz I am a wuss who can't take the cold). Lying on pebbles staring at the stars, best end to tour ever!!
We had a continental breakfast round Nicks the next day as we FINALLY watched The Craft!
Before driving back to Leeds and getting a train home and being dead on my feet!
tour pet count: 1 dog.

This is a brief account and I can't convey what a bloody awesome week I had. Hanging out with the best people, meeting new great folks, playing live, seeing yr mates play live, having adventures. I can't wait to do it again.
We played a pub, a community space, a dive bar, and empty shop, a café bar and an old theatre!
Thanks to everyone that played, fed us, gave up their bed, came to a show, drove us about and made me smile!
This tour was sponsored my Linda McCartney Sausages.
For anyone interested here is our Eddie Stobart list:
-Sian Danielle
-Evie Louise (twice!)
-Destiny Amelie
-Keeley Anne
-Janice Roberta
-Naomi Joy
-Sophie Claire
-Denise Jennifer
-Nicola Trisha
-Francesca Michela
-Charlotte Anne
Oh and if you want to buy any of our merch you can HERE!!
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