It's that time of year again, the time where I panic about what gifts to buy everyone whilst simultaneously writing my lol of a gift guide to make it look like I am super organised for the upcoming festivities (spoiler: I am totally not!).
If you too are in a panic and don't know what to gift your loved ones, the hopefully this will help....
First things first, you have no idea what they might like ARGHHHHH! Fear not I have a fool proof plan, let's just say you can tell a lot about a person from the TV they watch*
So next time you see them, ask if they have any recommendations of good stuff to watch, or next time you're round their house see what boxsets are left by the side of the TV or look the least dusty, or better yet hack into their Netflix account and see what's on their most watched
Then use this handy guide below....
(*If the don't watch TV then sorry you're fucked!)
They seem to watch a lot animal documentaries and cute stuff with cats in.... Then they clearly love animals! If they seem to favour the cat over most others then I have a few things for them.
Like this enamel Cat Brooch from Andrea Garland, that is first glance looks like a cute brooch, but it in fact holds some cruelty free natural lip balm inside!
There is this cat print that Fawn Gehweiler has a hand in with new company Miaou & co. Art objects for cats!!!
Then every self respecting cat lady needs a detachable collar with cats on right? Well luckily Jessicka Addams has made one!
If they seem to favour dogs then the dream team of Stay Home Club and Gemma Correll have made this bad boy!
If no favouritism has been spotted and just animals in general is their thing then Emily Martin's Black Apple shop has everything from deer to bears to sea monsters!

They have watched all of Angel and have alerts for when Firefly gets added....Well you have a Joss Whedon fanatic on your hands here, this is an easy one, they simply need to be alerted about the existence of the queer feminist Buffy punk band The Potentials!
They have music, tshirts badges and stickers!
They have music, tshirts badges and stickers!

There's a lot of films that aren't that current featuring people called Winona Ryder, and Alicia Silverstone....
They haven't quite realised that it is no longer the 90s and they are no longer a teenager, but it's ok, it's a healthy nostalgic obsession.
Any witty Winona fan loves Heathers, so why not wear this love with pride on a denim jacket with this patch from Rosehound Apperal.

Rosehound Apperal also have a pin of ultimate 90s teen film heartthrob Leonardo DiCaprio.
If more Leo is needed, the yours truly (me!) made a zine of my teenage crushes and features reviews of all Leo's films up to 1999! it also has Paul Rudd and Winona in there so you know! get it HERE!
Lastly, for every Cher and Dionne in your life, Skinny Dip have a range of stuff (Kindle/laptop and phone cases!) with some of the best phrases from Clueless!
Their binge watching comes in waves and its usually feel good stuff that stars Paul Rudd or Amy Poehler.....Then you may have an anxious pal. It's ok let them know they are not alone with these two...
There's the anxious ghost pin from Matt Darling, which when you wear fellow anxiety sufferers come say hi and let you know yr not the only person who overthinks everything!
Or this Anxious punks tee from the ever Awesome Emma Thacker, which when you wear you get a bunch of other anxious punks wanting to be yr friend, then you can for a band, that mostly sits around watching Paul Rudd films on Netflix.

They put an internet shout out when Goosebumps got added and only searches things from Nickelodeon pre 2000....Then you have another child of the 90s on your hands here, who loves some nostalgic splat and gross out animation!
The ultimate gift would be this great record from Enjoy The Ride Records, which is a re pressing of all the best Nicketoons songs!
They also need some sweet garms from the awesome slime pop band Yiiikes! (yeah that is my band, so what!)
They watch a lot of programs about food and films with James Franco in....They are clearly a stoner! That or they just love food and James Franco, but most likely they are a stoner.
Or just in case their stoner status isn't officially confirmed, stick with some food gems like these pentagram junk food badges from Danny Brito....

They only watch all the Netflix exclusives and make sure they do it before everyone else, then boast about it whilst boasting about themselves....
You have a self assured loved one here, who probably loves themselves too! That's all good.
Why not get them a pin of someone else who loves themselves?! Like This Kanye West one from Georgia Perry...

Or maybe they just want an image of themselves, remember Emma Thacker and her Anxious Punks tee, well she also does great commission pieces, get one HERE!

That's our Kandy top right!
Finally....if all you can deduce from your snooping is that they watch a lot of Netflix, so much so they flake on plans with you, then they need this patch from Sara M Lyons.....
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